soul flow



for female spiritual entrepreneurs

be yourself
be happy
make money
live aligned

Intuitive energy healing + ascension guidance

Live the life you've always dreamed about

 Let me help you get there.

I hold magical, transformative space for you to heal, release and expand into the version of yourself you were always meant to be. Stop letting false mind-forms, unhealed traumas, and outlived energy hold you back. Step into the light of your soul to create a unique, lived experience that only you can provide. The time is now, the place is here



A unique blend of one-of-a-kind healing modalities that will help you reach the next level in your daily life, health, business, and romantic relationships.

ways to work together

1 on 1 work

The highest level of support, meant to take you and your business to the next level. Release karmic agreements and receive guidance from your spirit guides and you Goddess-self.

Group Energy Healing

Bi-weekly group calls to stay in tune and release anything that isn't serving you. Best way to get a taste of my energy and stay aligned with your purpose.

Female Creatrix

6 week group experience for the modern female entrepreneur. Bask in the energy of other badass women who are doing the deeper work to bring in the new age of enlightenment. COMING SOON

I HAVEN'T FELT THIS               


—  melanie vela

 My experience was                         .  I received healing but I also experienced a greater sense of joy.


—  Gwen kotter

behind the screen

MEET Geniveve

A soulful and dedicated devotee to the Glorious Ascension of the Planet. My mission is to help guide souls on their individual ascension paths.

Life is too short for weak boundaries, bleak days, and worry-full minds. Let the light of your soul show you the way.

your true soul purpose together


your true soul purpose together


You have the power to change your life. You don't have to do it alone, though.

© Soul Flow 2023

Design by Masha Venta
